The cuts and freezes in funding and federal employees is having local impacts that some might find surprising - like people ...
I explained and apologized last month that I didn't realize how many cousins there were in the Havre High School Class of 1970 until just a few years ago. Perhaps that's because I don't have many ...
Three Havre firefighters have received a top award from Montana from Veterans of Foreign Wars. The B-shift on duty Dec. 8 all ...
Ephesians 4:11 - "Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the Church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the ...
We live in a divided country. I know that there are families divided over politics, religion, immigration, race, sexual orientation, guns, etc. Many live with constant anger toward the other. You are ...
What is the cat doing?” I asked my husband, Peter. “He’s levitating,” Peter said. Or at least I thought that’s what he said. “The cat is levitating?” “Meditating!” “Oh.” We have a lot of conversations ...
Hill County Park Board members discussed final steps for Kiwanis lodge funding and new cabin inspections rules and regulations at their meeting Monday evening. Board members met with Bannack Group at ...
We few who live in Oconahua and continue to use cable internet service have just experienced three days without phone or computer services along with intermittent electricity outages. I could not ...
Northern students and six professors will be going to London on March 14-23, with a British-style tea fundraiser set for March 9. Discussions for this trip began during the end of the school year of ...
Northern Montana Health Care's board of trustees announced today the upcoming retirement of 31-year Northern Montana Health Care Chief Executive Officer David Henry. Havre native Dr. Kevin Harada, who ...
By Emily Mayer On March 2nd, a special place beloved by many Havre residents quietly celebrated a centennial milestone. On March 2, 1925, the Havre City Council officially accepted the donation of a ...