Fis Hydref, cynhaliwyd noson arbennig iawn i gyfarch y Prifardd Alan Llwyd yn ei gymuned yn dilyn ei gamp yn ennill Cadair Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llŷn ac Eifionydd. O ganlyniad i lacio rheol yr ...
Yma yn Abertawe, rydym yn gwneud pethau’n wahanol gan sicrhau o’r eiliad y bydd dy daith yn dechrau gyda ni, y bydd gennyt yr holl gyngor ar yrfaoedd a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth mewn un man. Rydym yn ...
Mae’r Gyfadran Gwyddoniaeth a Pheirianneg wedi’i chydnabod yn genedlaethol ac yn fyd-eang fel canolfan ragoriaeth sy’n darparu amgylchedd addysgu arloesol a chynhwysol sy’n creu dysgwyr gydol oes wedi ...
Professor Tracey Sagar and Associate Professor Debbie Jones at the School of Social Sciences have been carrying out research into the nature and understanding of sex work for many years. Their work ...
People engage in sex work for a wide variety of reasons, from what is commonly referred to as ‘survival sex’, or because of sexual exploitation, or simply because a decision is made to earn a living ...
Extensive research has suggested that consuming animal-based processed meats is associated with significant negative health risks compared to plant-based foods but their impacts on musculoskeletal, ...
There are a lot of things that go into producing a great dissertation. Showing up to read, plan and write, day after day, for months (or years) is certainly a significant part of it. However, you ...
Starting a literature review can be a daunting task. A literature review is a foundational aspect of a dissertation, but you may also be asked to produce a standalone literature review. You may be ...
Postmenopausal women experience an increase in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk due to ageing, decreased physical activity and increased body weight. This risk is further increased due to hormonal ...
Rydym yn ymrwymedig i roi mynediad i bob myfyriwr ac rydym ni am eich cefnogi gydag unrhyw ofynion arbennig a allai fod gennych. I fyfyrwyr â gofynion penodol, gofynnwn i chi wneud cais cyn gynted â ...
Below are the full entry dates for Research Courses commencing in October, January, April and July. Please see below for information regarding research sessions, cohorts, and Enrolment start/end dates ...
This programme is not available for application for September 2024 entry. Long-term and chronic conditions can have profound and far-reaching implications on all aspects of peoples’ lives, resulting ...