How do you stop the regrowth of Alder Brush after mowing?
May 25, 2005 · Trying to get rid of the Alder Brush from an abandoned farm, all openings came up to this type vegetation. Had a Contractor whack it down last week, now looking for any and all …
need help keeping brush cutter blade sharp - The Forestry Forum
Jan 8, 2019 · I'm running an Echo SRM-410U 42cc brush cutter that came with a 10 inch/80 tooth blade to cut willows, alder, and associated brush (typically under two-inch diameter) in a Doug …
Skid Steer or CTL size for stability on soft soil and rough trails
Aug 13, 2020 · Some of the area is boggy, most of it gets standing water here in Western WA, 60" rain a year and sometimes 4" rain per day and alluvial soil and clay. Not worried about snow …
USFS Publications in Forest Education - forestryforum.com
Jan 12, 2013 · MANAGEMENT PUBLICATION FOR CEDAR and NORTHERN HARDWOODS The USFS put out a new version (2012) of the silvicultural guide for northern white cedar: h
what is the going cord price for Black ash in MN in Forestry and …
Dec 8, 2014 · To me it sounds like nothing to difficult to do other than they want all the current alder brush cut down. They also had a program for Chipping but the logger we are currently …
Trailblazer Max2 offset mower - The Forestry Forum
Jan 14, 2023 · Overall: cuts grass and 1" brush on first pass, cuts up to 3" saplings slowly via multiple "bites;" I did get some vibration after hitting rocks, wet areas, and logs that were …
General Board - Page 686
May 26, 2005 · General Board. You can talk about almost anything here The General Board sponsored in part by: Moderators: Jeff, chet, Roxie.
Bush grows like a weed and is taking over my fields how do i kill it.
Oct 9, 2008 · Since brush is a woody type plant round up is not intended to kill it. Buckthorn is a woody plant (it's a small tree). I've used the technique I described with good success (brush …
milling alder - The Forestry Forum
Dec 28, 2008 · Yes, Alder is very soft and I would not use it or pine for flooring in a heavy traffic area but for a less used room it would be fine. It is a very stable wood during the drying period …
Anyone with expertise with duck ponds? in The Outdoor Board
Feb 4, 2020 · I have this old cutover swamp that is around 28-30 acres on my farm. It was cut many many years ago and as you can tell from the photos....it hasn't r