What is the easiest way to use SVG images in Android?
First, you need to import SVG files by the following simple steps. 1. Right click on your project's drawable folder (app/res/drawable) 2. Click New 3. Select Vector Asset If the image is available on your computer, select the local svg file. After that, select the image path. An option to change the size of the image is also available on the right side of the dialog if you want to. In this way ...
android - Decoding SVG image to bitmap - Stack Overflow
Sep 22, 2015 · I am using Android Studio to convert my SVG image to XML file . It works fine when I try to access it using R.drawable.svgimage but now I need to decode that image to bitmap. I tried the followin...
android - How to use SVG image in ImageView - Stack Overflow
Jan 25, 2016 · Android's vector drawable format is terrible for all but the simplest images. SVGs from common graphic design tools don't convert well and Studio/Android doesn't even do a very good job of respecting the image's size.
What are best practices for using SVG icons on Android?
Mar 10, 2012 · For Android older than Lollipop, your best practice for SVG on Android is going to be to use a tool to convert your SVG to PNG at the size (s) you're interested in. Existing SVG support for Android is not comprehensive of what you're likely to find in an SVG file, and even if it were, the support is not built into the OS so using them directly for icons is definitely out. Beginning with ...
Using an SVG as a background drawable in Android
Nov 2, 2013 · I'm trying to use an SVG image (created using Inkscape and saved as plain SVG) as a background for my application. I'm trying to do this using the svg-android library. I have a file called backgrou...
SVG support on Android - Stack Overflow
Oct 8, 2010 · The most complete answer is this: The Android 2.x default browser does not natively support SVG. The Android 3+ default browsers DO support SVG. To add SVG support to 2.x versions of the platform, you have two basic choices: Install a more capable browser (like Firefox or Opera Mobile - both support SVG) Use a JavaScript polyfill that can parse SVG and render it to an HTML5 canvas The first ...
Converting SVG file to Android Vector Drawable XML while …
To the extend that the SVG groups multiple elements together, I need that grouping to also be reflected in the Android Vector Drawable. Unfortunately, the tools I found to do SVG to Vector Drawable conversions try to minimize the file size in a way that gets rid of existing grouping in the structure of the file.
Change fill color on vector asset in Android Studio
Oct 3, 2015 · Android Studio now supports vector assets on 21+ and will generate pngs for lower versions at compile time. I have a vector asset (from the Material Icons) that I want to change the fill color. T...
How do I render an SVG in an Android app? - Stack Overflow
Jul 29, 2014 · After finding Display SVG Image in image view in android on Google and going to Having issue on Real Device using vector image in android. SVG-android, I find that "You need a 3rd-party JAR to do it" is a bit of overkill. Is there any …
Scaling Canvas to resize SVG in Android - Stack Overflow
Jan 5, 2013 · I'm getting a drawable from an SVG using svg-android, but the drawable isn't scaling to the view. Everything that I've been able to find says I should draw directly to canvas and rescale the canvas, but when I try that it only seems to …