Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma - Wikipedia
Ne Win and his allies in the Tatmadaw – the country's armed forces – overthrew the government of Prime Minister U Nu in a coup d'état on 2 March 1962. A day later, the coupists established …
Myanmar - Wikipedia
Myanmar, [d] officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar [e] and also referred to as Burma (the official English form until 1989), is a country in northwest Southeast Asia. It is the largest …
Union of Burma (1948–1962) - Wikipedia
The first fourteen years of independent Burma (Myanmar) were marred by several communist and ethnic insurgencies.
Burmese Women's Union — Equality Our feminism is Intersectional
BWU’s main goals are to increase the number of active women within the pro-democracy movement; to raise awareness about women’s human rights; to support women of Burma …
Brief History of Burma
The ethnic nationalities within the territory known today as the Union of Burma had been living independently before the ethnic Burmans and British colonized them. In order to gain speedy …
Union of Burma - SpringerLink
The Union of Burma came formally into existence on 4 January, 1948. On this day, Sir Hubert Rance, the last British Governor, handed over authority to Sao Shwe Thaik, the first President …
22. Burma/Myanmar (1948-present) - University of Central Arkansas
A government-in-exile, the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB), was established on December 18, 1990. The European Community (EC) imposed military …
UNION CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1948 - Burma Library
THE UNION CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1948 (Act No. LXVI of 1948.) As amended up to 1st December 1960. 1. (1) This Act may be called the Union Citizenship Act, 1948. (2) It shall extend to the …
Burma - Countries - Office of the Historian
U.S. Recognition of Burmese Independence, 1948. The United States recognized the Union of Burma as an “independent sovereign state” on January 4, 1948, when President Harry S. …
Understanding Burma's ‘Union Day’ - irrawaddy.com
Feb 11, 2010 · Not only was Union Day a precursor to Burma’s independence from the yoke of British colonial rule in January 1948, it was also a milestone for ethno-political issues in the …