Discus and salt - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Dec 6, 2010 · You can use rock/ice cream salt on discus. It's probably cheaper than aquarium salt. I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. Epsom salt does, in fact, have a laxative effect. I've used it on a lot of cichlids including discus. If fish show early signs of bloat, sometimes Epsom salt will help them pass the blockage if treated early enough. Having said …
discus eating fry - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Feb 23, 2006 · our breeding pair of discus always eat their fry. they lay their eggs, let them develop and hatch into wrigglers. as soon as they become free swimming the parents always eat them. any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Erratic swimming - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 18, 2018 · One difficulty with discus (and sometimes also other fish) is that there is always a lowest ranking fish, which gets picked on, stresses and declines until it possibly dies. Then the next one up the ladder takes its place as the lowest ranking.
Discus and plecos? - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Oct 5, 2009 · As for keeping plecos with discus, many hypancistrus would work since they like similar temps and are meat eaters and should have no interest in slime.
Discus disease? Please HELP! - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Aug 28, 2017 · The fish always stays in one corner of the tank with clamped fins. The other discus are looking fine, but one of them had a white stringy poop that definitely looked like a parasitic infection.
Discus with Rainbow Fish? - monsterfishkeepers.com
May 18, 2010 · I currently have a 120g with rainbow fish. Would discus work with this setup? 4 would be as many as I would want, and I really don't want anything to happen to my rainbows. If they would be suitable tankmates I would adjust my parameters before getting any discus.
strong water flow for my discus - MonsterFishKeepers.com
May 11, 2009 · just sharing my experience that sort of debunks that discus need slower calmer water flow since that's how it is in their natural habitat. but thing is, most of discus we buy are home grown by breeders so they are never in the wild. also, most are raised b-4 …
which pleco for discus tanks - MonsterFishKeepers.com
May 22, 2018 · The common pleco will grow too large and eventually attack your discus as their slimecoats make good food for them. Consider Otos or Siamese algae eaters as alternate options.
Peppering in Discus? Darkening in Discus?
May 11, 2009 · Pepper is like the stress bars in other discus. It's caused by a mutated gene. This is a trait of all pigeon blood based discus. High quality pigeon blood based fish have had most of the peppering bred and culled out. In any batch of fry from pigeons, some will have excessive pepper, these fish should be culled, and not allowed to breed. However, some people simple …
discus color change, stress or normal? - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 9, 2009 · Peppering can show for three reasons: Stress, color change due to breeding/fry-rearing, or a dark background/substrate. Discus do darken when stressed, but also when their environment is dark (which is why a lot of people don't recommend black backgrounds for non-albino discus) or when they're trying to attract their fry.