Air Genasi Monk or Bard? : r/DnD - Reddit
Sep 30, 2021 · With Bard you have options within options. More caster-> lore. More martial -> Swords. Air Genasi seems like it made for Glamor Bard. Thier description is so exotic. @14th they are so beautiful they have to make a saving throw just to attack you.
Water Genasi Bard: won't his lute get soggy? : r/dndnext - Reddit
Apr 14, 2016 · as a water genasi bard I can't think of many people more likely to have water resistant instruments. Yes. Good point. And cool video. We try to go for verisimilitude, such as it is in D&D, so we were concerned about a simple lute quickly becoming unusable if it is either played or even just taken into the salt water repeatedly.
[ART] Azure, Air Genasi Bard : r/DnD - Reddit
Feb 5, 2019 · Azure, the Air Genasi Bard, a character commission from a great client :) She was wonderful to work on. Genasi are one of my favorite races, simply due to their varying and vibrant skintones and interesting markings.
Air Genasi Bard? : r/DungeonsAndDragons - Reddit
Jan 10, 2021 · Air Genasi Bard? So I joined a campaign with some friends and I made an air genasi bard, he's supposed to be an ex-musician who just kind of wanders around with his best friend: a half-elf druid (we joined the campaign a little bit after they'd already started, so our characters got thrown in together, it's fun.)
Best fire genasi builds : r/3d6 - Reddit
May 30, 2022 · Not only is it awful, but Fire Genasi don’t even get to use it until L5. A d6 weapon with Green-Flame Blade does 11 damage. Flame Blade does a laughable 10.5. There is never a time to use it when a Flaming Sphere and booming blade exists anyways. Every caster but warlock, bard, cleric, and druid get Burning Hands on their spell list.
[OC][Art] Nyx, the Water Genasi Bard : r/DnD - Reddit
Jan 10, 2022 · 1.6K votes, 30 comments. 3.3M subscribers in the DnD community. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First…
Need help with a Swords Bard build : r/3d6 - Reddit
Jul 30, 2021 · Polymorph at Bard 7 is one of the best defensive spells a frontliner can have, and Animate Objects at 9 is the best damage ability in the game for that level. Then you get Magical Secrets at level 10, where you could grab Spirit Shroud or Spirit Guardians, which both are amazing melee fighter spells.
Air Genasi Bard : r/3d6 - Reddit
Dec 20, 2019 · Air Genasi Bard My first 5e character was an Air Genasi Bard but I don’t think I built/played him super well, so he wasn’t very powerful. Though they get a bonus to DEX rather than CHA, everything in their description points to Bard (“flamboyant and …
[Art] Aryn - Air Genasi Bard : r/DnD - Reddit
May 20, 2019 · Aryn the Air Genasi bard. Aryn ran away from home as she never really fit in with the Tritons, as she is only a half of them, and ever since she has tried making a living through being a bard and playing the instrument . Generally she has been successful in her travelling, but she also had some close calls thus she can be weary about people.
People who have played a Genasi!!! : r/DnD - Reddit
Oct 24, 2018 · For air genasi, I’d consider a Storm Sorcerer, Lore Bard, or Arcane Trickster. Also, levitate is a hilarious spell indoors, and if you can convince your DM to abide by the common human psychology that we rarely look above a 45- degree angle, almost broken for rogues.