Master Plan - GDA - Gwadar
The Gwadar Master Plan 2050 outlines an ambitious vision to transform Gwadar into a modern, sustainable port city, serving as a pivotal hub for trade, tourism, and investment in South Asia.
designed to update the existing Master Plan of Gwadar City (with due consideration to the master plan of the port so as to capture synergies), and develop strategies for the establishment of Gwadar as a preferred economic and lifestyle destination.
Gwadar. Gwadar has the potential to become a major global trade hub due to its strategic location along the Arabian Sea. With its deep-water port and proximity to key international shipping routes, it is poised to facilitate trade between Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Gwadar Master Plan | A Comprehensive Look
Dec 4, 2021 · Gwadar Master Plan is a road map to convert Gwadar into the trade hub of Asia and the world in a span of 33 years from 2017 to 2050. The plan envisages making Gwadar a top city in terms of economic output in three decades with features including a tax-free environment, high-paid jobs, mega shopping malls, high-tech industries, man-made islands ...
Gwadar to see population balloon to 2 million: Gwadar …
Feb 5, 2020 · LONDON/QUETTA: Gwadar's population is set to exceed two million people in the long run with high paid expatriate professionals accounting for up to 80% of the population, according to the new Gwadar Smart City Masterplan.
Gwadar Masterplan - CPIC Global
Make a smart investment securely in the city of the future with Gwadar’s leading developer CPIC. The time to act is now! The key highlights from the Master Plan are: 2 million population by 2050; Pakistan’s first tax and weapon free city; Third largest city in Pakistan by economic output; $30 billion economy by 2050
Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan - China–Pakistan Economic …
Updating the existing Master Plan of Gwadar City and its integration with the Master Plan of the Gwadar Port. Creating an inclusive and sustainable strategic development plan that ensures the socio-economic uplift of the Makran coast in general and the Gwadar Region in particular.
Gwadar Master Plan 2050 - Arkaa Consultants
May 16, 2023 · Gwadar Master Plan 2050 is a comprehensive and ambitious roadmap to transform Gwadar into a global port city with world-class infrastructure and a thriving economy. The plan encompasses various sectors: transportation, housing, education, health, …
Gwadar Master Plan: A blueprint to turn Gwadar into trading hub …
Jul 14, 2021 · The plan envisages Gwadar to be the top city in Pakistan in terms of economic output by 2050 with features including high paid jobs, tax-free environment, high-tech industries, mega shopping malls, luxury resorts, man-made islands, …
Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan | 中国巴基斯坦经济走廊官方 …
Creating an inclusive and sustainable strategic development plan that ensures the socio-economic uplift of the Makran coast in general and the Gwadar Region in particular. Completed and approved by the governing body of GDA & ratify by the JCC in its 9th meeting held on 5th November 2019.