Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) - eBird
Learn about Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's): explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world.
Harlan's hawk - Wikipedia
The typical tail of a Harlan's hawk is white with a thick black subterminal band but individuals may vary considerably and the tail may be reddish, dusky, whitish or gray and can be longitudinally streaked, mottled or barred.
The Life and Legacy of Harlan's Hawk - The Worlds Rarest Birds
Jan 11, 2024 · Harlan’s Hawk, a distinctive subspecies of the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), stands as a captivating subject within the avian realm. Named after the renowned American ornithologist Harry Church Oberholser, this subspecies exhibits a range of unique characteristics that set it apart.
Red-tailed Hawk Identification - All About Birds
Feb 18, 2017 · Adult Harlan's tail pattern highly variable above, characterized by white, gray, and black mottling and longitudinal streaking. Some lack red altogether. Subspecies characterized by extremely lightly-marked underparts with faint patagial mark (often rufous toned) and faint to absent belly band.
Here, we focus on the “Harlan’s” (B. j. harlani) Red-tailed Hawk (hereafter, Harlan’s Hawk), emphasizing its plumages and overlap and possible intergradation with Eastern (B. j. borealis) and Western (B. j. calurus) Red-tailed Hawks.
Red-tailed Hawk Fact Sheet – HawkWatch International
The Red-tailed Hawk is the most familiar raptor in North America, evident by every movie soundtrack that plays its screeching call whenever an outdoor scene is shown. They are widespread and common, found in a wide variety of open …
Differentiating Immature Dark Western Red-tailed Hawks from …
Nov 10, 2012 · Immature Dark Western Red-tailed Hawk- Buteo jamaicensis calurus. It is rare to find a solid chocolate immature Western. This bird is a nice, almost solid bird, however there is still a somewhat mottled appearance on the breast and wing linings. Dark western birds are a beautiful chocolate brown.
Harlan’s Hawk - Feathered Photography
Jan 20, 2013 · Harlan’s Hawk is today considered to be a sub-species of the Red-tailed Hawk but its classification has a colorful history as it has twice been considered a separate species and twice as a race of the Red-tailed Hawk.
The Harlan's Race of Red-tailed Hawks - Blogger
Oct 28, 2013 · Below is a juvenile Harlan's Hawk on the left and a juvenile western Red-tailed Hawk on the right. Shadowing makes the right-side primary feathers of the Harlan's Hawk appear to have dark tips. However, the left wing is fully lit and reveals the banding to the tips.
Red-tailed Hawk - Montana Field Guide
Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk (formerly considered a distinct species) is dark mottled brown above, and light brown and white streaked below, with a brown barred tail. They breed in northern Canada and Alaska, and are seen in Montana only during migration.