Council/State/4th Degree Medals - Knights of Columbus Supplies
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS®, K OF C®, the Emblem of the Order, the Emblem of the Fourth Degree, and all related Knights of Columbus marks are trademarks of the Knights of …
Complete Set of Council Medals - Knights Gear USA
Complete set of 13 Council Medals. Each set includes one for each officer and one for each of three trustees - 15 medals in total. Includes ribbons and hangers. *NOTE: If your order is …
Order Supplies - Knights of Columbus
Garments and other merchandise may feature the emblem on other colors; however, such items must be purchased from Knights Gear, which may approve or deny specific designs.
Complete Set of Council Medals - Knights of Columbus Supplies
Complete set of (15) Official Designated Supreme Council Medals. Full neck ribbons. The Set includes one for each officer and one for each of the three trustees.
Fourth Degree - Knights Gear USA
Elevate your style with 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Merchandise. Explore lapel pins, elegant regalia, and accessories embodying the rich tradition of this distinguished order. Wear your …
Medals - Knights Gear USA
Official Trusted Partner of the Knights of Columbus. Login. 0 Cart NEW ARRIVALS. St Patrick's Day. Merch Madness. Shop. Apparel. PERSONALIZE IT! Personalized Polos; Personalized …
Online Store - Knights of Columbus Supplies
Knights of Columbus Supplies Online Store page. The Manufacturer and Designated Official Supplier to the Knights of Columbus presenting 3rd and 4th Degree Supplies for You and Your …
Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Regalia Rules
Jewels When a Fourth Degree member attends an official function of the Order where Fourth Degree dress is required, he may wear the jewel of his office around his neck, be it Fourth …
This booklet contains the official description of the Emblems of the Knights of Columbus, the Fourth Degree and the Columbian Squires, along with the Jewels of the Office for councils, as …
Incumbent Jewel of Office, be it 3rd or 4th Degree Social Baldric, worn over the tie and under the jacket from right shoulder to left hip, and attached to the trousers.