Pacman frog refusing to eat - Frog Forum
Mar 10, 2015 · 18. Is the frog wild caught or captive bred: captive bred 19. Frog food- how often and if it is diverse, what other feeders are used as treats: N/A 20. How often the frog is handled: just three times, when putting him in the enclosure and for 2 baths 21.
Black Light for Night cycle of Pacman frog safe? - Frog Forum
Nov 7, 2012 · Re: Black Light for Night cycle of Pacman frog safe? Here are a couple pics of lights you can use for heat and night viewing- I think I have the exo-terra one but I ordered it from Josh's Frogs because it is so much cheaper As for wattage, I wouldn't go higher than 50W.
Transporting a pacman frog
Dec 20, 2014 · Re: Transporting a pacman frog Carlos lol, I had no problems, my box looks like a foam cooler nobody was asking ever, but I sure would have been kicked out for having snakes, frogs, etc lol Save one animal and it doesn't change the world, but it surely changes the world for that one animal!
Which Species of Pacman grow the largest? - frogforum.net
Mar 23, 2014 · The largest species of Pacman is Ceratophrys Aurita, but you cannot get them here in the US without paying a substantial amount of money. Some of this species are know to reach 10" SVL. I've never seen one in person nor have I seen photos of a 10" one.
My Pacman Frog just died, what did I do wrong? - Frog Forum
Oct 21, 2018 · It is possible that the frog could have gotten an infection if the tank was not clean enough, honestly I have had several Pacman frogs die on me for totally unknown reasons. I spent so much money on my enclosure to make sure the temps and humidity were perfect, fed them dusted crickets, cleaned the tank religiously, and they still died.
Bioactive Pacman Frog Setup
Oct 18, 2018 · I just finished my first bioactive Vivarium for my new Pacman frog and I think it turned out really well. I used a 10 gallon tank and put a layer of aquarium rock on the bottom with a screen cover. I then took dirt from a state natural area and mixed it with spagg moss so the dirt would not compact and with hopes the spagg moss would hold some ...
Pacman Frogs - Frog Forum
Jul 17, 2011 · Old pacman frog, nearing the end advice. Started by hagarthefish, February 25th, ...
How often should I feed a juvenil pacman? - frogforum.net
Oct 24, 2012 · I feed my juvenil pacman frog every 3days, and in each feeding i give him few crickets, which the total size equal to his head. However the caresheet says they can be fed 5-7 times a week. I'm a little bit lost atm.
Pacman Frog is Stressed - Frog Forum
Jun 29, 2017 · Re: Pacman Frog is Stressed I think you need to give him time to settle like I suggested in your last post. The move and drive from the store and then being transferred into another enclosure from the critter keeper a few days ago is a lot for a frog. cover the 3 sides, put him in quiet room and give him a day or 2 without any interaction and ...
Pacman frog cages. - Frog Forum
Jun 27, 2017 · Re: Pacman frog cages. Hello and welcome to Frog Forum!! Pacman frogs are rather inactive and as a result will rarely need more than a standart 10 gallon tank (maybe 15-20 gallons if you have a huge female).