Rio Grande Cottonwood - Tree New Mexico
Jul 27, 2022 · Rio Grande Cottonwood (Ⓒ Brandt Magic) Alternate names: Narrowleaf, Alamo or Guerigo. Description: This is the cottonwood of desert waterholes and watercourses. A deciduous poplar of the Willow family with broad, flattened, open crown of large, widely spreading branches & trunk diameter of 2 to 5 feet.
Rio Grande cottonwood (Plants of the Middle Rio Grande …
Populus deltoides wislizenii, commonly known as Rio Grande cottonwood, can be found along the Rio Grande up to southern Colorado and in the San Juan basin in northwest New Mexico and southwest Colorado. It is a keystone species of the Rio Grande Bosque ecosystem and has lived in the river valley for over 2 million years.
Rio Grande Cottonwood, Matriarch of the Bosque
Mar 27, 2015 · The Cottonwood tree (Populus deltoides wislizeni) is the deeply rooted and life-sustaining matriarch of the Rio Grande Bosque. Our Bosque is a riparian woodland ecosystem with its origins dating back millions of years.
Rio Grande Cottonwood - Texas A&M University
For forty years the giant Rio Grande Cottonwood in Fort Davis reigned as a National Big Tree Champion. The pride and joy of Fort Davis, it was lost in 2011, a victim of the Rockhouse Fire—one in a long list of destructive wildfires that raged in Texas that year.
Populus sect. Aigeiros - Wikipedia
This is also the state tree of Nebraska, Wyoming, and Kansas. In West Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, the subspecies P. d. wislizeni (Rio Grande cottonwood; syn. P. wislizeni) occurs. Seeds and seed hairs from an eastern cottonwood
Rio Grande Cottonwood - The Water Tree - DesertUSA
The Rio Grande cottonwood, a welcome sight to pioneers in the desert because it often signaled water, typically reaches 50 to 60 feet in height, with a trunk of three feet in diameter. Some of the grand old cottonwoods in the Rio Grande Valley have reached 90 …
Rooted In Place - The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
The Rio Grande cottonwood is one of the last trees to color in the New Mexico autumn. They often produce a spectacular display of gold leaves in October, then drop their leaves to create a layer of organic mulch that protects plants and animals through the cold mountain winters.
Rio Grande Cottonwood - Trees That Please
Surface rooted tree that may damage foundations if planted too closely to structures. They should be planted no closer than 40’ or further from structures. The Valley Cottonwood puts on a gorgeous fall color show. Landscape Size: 50 to 60’ feet tall and wide; Sun: Full sun; Uses: Shade Tree; Heat Tolerance: High; Water: Very High water ...
Cottonwood - Rio Grande - Payne's Nurseries
Derived from our native cottonwood along the Rio Grande, these trees grow into large specimens at a fast pace. They can tolerate poor soil, wind and our arid summer heat, but they like regular, deep watering.
These cottonwoods grow 50 to 90 feet high with a thick trunk up to 4 or more feet in diameter. A Rio Grande cottonwood growing in Ruby Canyon on the Colorado River at the Utah border was 207 years old when it was measured in 1995, a very …