As one of the nation’s leading workforce development and career solutions, STRIVE offers tuition-free skills and job-readiness training, one-on-one support and lifetime personal coaching for …
Our Story - STRIVE
STRIVE was founded in East Harlem in 1984 to address chronic unemployment and poverty that plagued historically marginalized communities across New York City.
Ways to Give — STRIVE
STRIVE is a smart investment with a tangible impact. We take a holistic, evidence-based approach to our work with students and alumni, and through our innovative workforce …
To volunteer, donate new or gently used professional attire, or connect with the Development Team, email: [email protected] or call (212) 360-1100.
Contact Us - STRIVE
To learn more about participating in STRIVE’s programs, email us at [email protected] or call (212) 360-1100. All other inquiries, email [email protected] or call (212) 360-1100.
Since our founding in East Harlem, NYC in 1984, STRIVE has become a national workforce solution for people motivated and ready for a new start—including those who face the greatest …
Wire Transfers, Stock Transfers, Bequests — STRIVE
STRIVE accepts charitable donations by wire transfer or as gifts of stock, as well as bequests. TO DONATE BY WIRE TRANSFER. STRIVE International Inc. Bank Name: Chase. Account …
Oct 25, 2023 · STRIVE (www.strive.org) is a national workforce development leader that for more than 38 years has successfully provided services to populations facing significant employment …
Purpose, Mission, Vision & Values — STRIVE
Employers, civic leaders, businesses, donors and neighbors across the country join STRIVE in building an inclusive economy for stronger, safer communities and a more equitable and just …
STRIVE is a national leader in helping those facing the biggest societal barriers to employment access the training and support needed to build a career