History of Nepal Scouts. June 18th, 1952 was the most important day in the history of scouting in Nepal. Father of the nation the late, King His Majesty Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah , formally inaugurated Nepal Boy and Girl Scout Association by hoisting its flag in Narayanhiti Royal Palace.
Nepal Scouts have now a new branding manual. It shows how we look and defined more clearly what we represent. It’s up to us to play our part in making Nepal Scouts more visible and better recognized in our community.
document on Adults involved in Nepal Scouts, based on the World Adult in Scouting Policy and WAGGGS Adult Development Framework is a document created by keeping the best practices and previous documents into core consideration. The …
Scouts are in every part of our community, and Scout is the biggest and most successful youth organization. Thousands of boys, girls and adults from wide cultural or religious backgrounds or with intellectual or physical disabilities enjoy an almost unlimited range of activities.
Vision of Nepal Scouts. By 2032 Nepal Scouts will be the preferred youth movement with 7,00,000 young members Nationwide, which is well managed, Self-dependent and supported by competent leaders for the development of young people with …
Scout Troops are open in School and Local community. Everyone can join the scouting in the respective scout troops located in local area or in school (subject to availability). In the troop they must be a member of small group named Patrol.